Agenda for Public Sector Technology Leader

A curated collection of the best content for your role:

Mark Steckel
Cloud Strategy Specialist Leader
Deloitte Consulting LLP
As organizations increasingly adopt hybrid, multi-cloud architectures, leaders should take a holistic approach towards managing end-to-end hybrid cloud environments. Organizations should assess technology investments and decisions in a holistic manner by investing in comprehensive single-pane-of-glass views that provide insights from multiple dimensions (technology costs, labor spend, business value, etc) and…

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All other sessions for your role:

Tim Pietro
Vice President of Business Development
Rego Consulting
Paul Matthews
Director, IT - Technology Business Management
“Why does it cost so much? Do we really need this? We need to do more with less. Maybe next year.” If you’ve ever heard these words from your CFO, then you likely have felt the pain of trying to explain IT’s budget to a non-IT leader. Achieving alignment between…

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Carollyn Gehrke
Digital Product Manager
John Deere & Company
For many organizations, a policy from FASB issued in 1998 is the reason given about why time reporting MUST happen for most IT Organizations. SOP 98-1 is a Statement of Position, Accounting for the Costs of Computer Software Developed or Obtained for Internal Use, issued by the American Institute of…

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Rob DeLeo
Senior Consultant
Rego Consulting
Douglas Conn

Discussion around the role of TBMO to support the centralization of a Global End User Device Lifecycle Management program to a multinational conglomerate.  We will cover the challenges as well as tools and techniques we are deploying to support this very large initiative.
Eileen Wade
General Manager
TBM Council
Polling more than 700 TBM practitioners globally, join this session to hear the top findings of the TBM Council’s 2022 State of TBM report.
Justin Mann
Director, Research & Standards
TBM Council
Presented by TBM Council’s Research & Standards team This session will provide attendees with an early preview of results from the 2024 State of TBM Survey, including data on TBM adoption and maturity. The Council team will discuss key findings and share how final results from the survey are likely…

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Yuliya Oberman
Director of Finance
McGraw Hill Education
An Apptio customer case-study takes attendees through their experience driving a finance-led Enterprise Agile transformation by leveraging Apptio’s Integrated Portfolio.
Ngoc Le
Principal Product Manager
Apptio, an IBM Company
IIP addresses the underserved need for software solution that can be used by both PMO and IT Finance to generate project/investment view in IT Finance’s taxonomy. This session explores how to effectively plan operational budgets and new investment budgets in a single integrated plan using ApptioOne IIP.
Jeff Blythe
Manager Business Relationships
Children's Health System of Texas
Children’s Health System of Texas wants to take you through building your TBM practice: from stakeholder buy-in and why this is Critical, to setting your TBM program goals and exploring the journey of TBM socialization to TBM governance.
Dieter Vangrunderbeek
Sr. Product Manager
Apptio, an IBM Company
In this session, we will dive into the latest & greatest on the Apptio-ServiceNow Integration. The session will cover the value IT drives into organizations when they combine the best-in-class financial management & best-in-class operational workflow solutions. We’ll back up the vision by showing the current integration features as well…

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Shawn Moore
Director of Technology Finance & Analytics
Kyle Dammann
TBM Technical Advisor
Apptio, an IBM Company
Elisabeth Price
Senior Consultant
BECU built out the framework and practice within an IT group, establishing best practices and reports. Our achievement of saving $5M though effective cloud cost management and averting a major issue was an extraordinary success. It brought about positive changes which jumpstarted the communication cycle and widespread adoption of TBM…

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Dieter Vangrunderbeek
Sr. Product Manager
Apptio, an IBM Company
Combining Turbonomic with IBM Apptio Costing allows your organization to identify, quantify and action continuous cost and performance optimizations. Discover how you can empower your stakeholders to collaborate and realize potential saving opportunities across your Hybrid IT estate.
AJ Nish
Director of Product Management, IBM Turbonomic
Casey Doran
VP, Product Management
Apptio, an IBM Company
Public cloud is now widely adopted across businesses large and small, from traditional enterprises to the most innovative startups with traction across all key verticals. FinOps practitioners are pushing the boundaries of “what’s possible” in cloud cost management and pushing for advanced support and use cases. The future of FinOps…

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Andy Moore
Technology Director
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Companies
State Farm continues to apply innovative solutions to drive business outcomes and help more customers in more ways. This century-old company is proving again how they remain the leading Auto and Home insurer in the United States, offering products, service, digital, and technology capabilities to meet customer needs. Andy Moore…

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Rob DeLaubell
Director, IT Program Management
The Hartford
The Hartford’s goals were to better Agile-align their IT financials (change the conversation from “project” to “product”), and decouple their IT financials from the time tracking system (aspiring not to be a time tracking organization). However, they capitalize a material amount of labor cost incurred for internally developed software, and…

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Rodan Zadeh
Director of Product, Targetprocess
Apptio, an IBM Company
Dive into the implications of IBM Targetprocess’ arrival on Azure Marketplace. This session will discuss the tangible benefits of unifying Targetprocess, GitHub, and Azure DevOps in one cloud environment. We will cover: Practical advantages of the IBM-Microsoft collaboration, streamlining Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) Reducing the cost of complexity Real-world applications…

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Kelly Glavin
VP Public Sector
Maryville Consulting Group
David Taylor
VP - Product Development and Delivery
Maryville Consulting Group
Learn from a large federal organization’s experience adopting and scaling SAFe for Government, including the best practices, change management techniques, and tools utilized to make this transformation a success.
Bill Lobig
VP IBM Automation Product Management
Apptio, an IBM Company
Business today runs on an ever-growing landscape of applications across multiple cloud environments. The average enterprise uses over 6+ clouds, 130 SaaS applications, and thousands of physical assets from computers and devices to machinery, transport, and even workspaces. All this complexity creates tremendous inefficiency and exposure to vulnerabilities. Companies spend…

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Ken France
VP Scaled Agility CoE and SAFe Fellow
Cprime, Inc.
This session showcases the importance of engaging with finance early in your agile transformation, some patterns for incremental evolution of funding and agile financial management and how to leverage Apptio technology to foster collaboration with Finance.
Adam Moretz
Senior Premier CSM
Model Design Best Practices: How to ensure your model drives the correct behavior to support your business outcomes and objectives
Ben Foster
Principal Business Systems Analyst (IT Business Manager)
Red Hat
Andrew Schneider

Red Hat
Madeline Leetz
Principal Business Systems Analyst (IT Business Manager)
Red Hat
Learn about the unique structure of Red Hat’s TBMO, where three business managers act as trusted advisors to IT leadership, managing large, complex budgets and spearheading enterprise wide spend efficiency programs. Explore the crucial role of IT Business Managers in fostering effective technology and financial management practices within the enterprise….

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James Smith
Product Manager
Apptio, an IBM Company
In this session, we will introduce the fundamental concepts of commitment-based discounts in cloud cost management. Participants will learn about the different commitment types across the three major vendors including Reserved Instances, Savings Plans, Prepurchase Plans, and CUDs. Attendees will gain a clear understanding of how to leverage commitment-based discounts…

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Dieter Vangrunderbeek
Sr. Product Manager
Apptio, an IBM Company
With more than 55% of Fortune 100 companies having both IBM Apptio + ServiceNow, it’s imperative to have these two systems integrated bi-directionally. Come along to hear how the latest product developments can help you unlock valuable benefits on both sides.
Volker Metten
VP, Product Management - Platform Services, Data, and AI
Apptio, an IBM Company
In this session, learn about how IBM Apptio and IBM Cloudability are leveraging AI to provide expert guidance, automate insights and action, and deliver industry benchmarks for TBM and FinOps practitioners.

Morning Sessions

Ashley Petitt
Chairman of the TBM Council Board of Directors

Jack Bischof
General Manager of TBM Council

What future must public & private organizations prepare for as technology becomes embedded in organizational strategy, execution and operations, how can TBM help? Join in an insightful and provocative discussion with a panel of the world’s preeminent tech, strategy, AI, talent and CxO TBM Practitioners to find out!

How is TBM evolving to support modern organizations and a tech future that is coming at us faster than ever? This panel will provide a glimpse of how both new adopters and mature practitioners are supported by TBM modernization, enabling multi-dimensional value creation, and progression over time

TBM Adoption can create great benefits, and great change, but how do you manage the cultural change of TBM in an environment of constant change, transformation and increasing expectations? Explore this balancing act with a senior panel of world class leaders!

Afternoon Sessions

Digitalization is driving growth of hybrid cloud and bi-modal delivery models, creating both new opportunities and new challenges. How can organizations overcome the challenges, get ahead of the change, and design and drive better outcomes by linking business and technology strategies? Come see for yourself and interact with our executive panel!

Every organization begins their TBM journey with the intent to achieve specific valued outcomes. Over time, successful organizations mature their TBM capabilities and set their sights higher, toward new desired outcomes and new stakeholders. Join our distinguished panel to explore the form and evolution of “value” at their organizations over time.

The convergence of technology and business is driving a shift toward mutual imperatives, metrics and desired outcomes. Executive roles are coalescing and interoperating to a greater degree, and tech execs are earning a seat the table, with TBM. Engage in this panel discussion of how the CxO landscape is changing, and the role TBM is playing in career success.

Join this fireside chat in a discussion of the future of tech & business, TBM and the TBM Council.

Agenda subject to change

Executive Strategy Forum Sessions

Meet face to face with some of the world’s foremost AI experts and practitioners. From those working in public and private sector AI strategy, governance and policy, to the executives that are making and applying AI technologies that are shaping the modern landscape.

Join Forrester industry analyst Tracy Woo and tech industry executives to exchange insight into the successes and failures of operating a tech organization in a hybrid world, where Agile and waterfall combine with private, public and multi-cloud strategies, creating operational challenges modern organizations must master. Meet your tech and finance executive peers, to exchange insight into how these modern obstacles are being addressed.

Who wouldn’t want to find 3% of their technology budget to be used differently – either for cost savings or to move from run the business to change the business? Even if you aren’t in cost cutting mode, you’re most likely still have budgets stuck in contracts, redundant services, or legacy infrastructure. Hear from leaders who have successfully uncovered millions of dollars to put into savings or redirected to strategic initiatives and transformation.

Digital innovation is driving organizations to adopt new technologies, delivery capabilities and operating models. Adoption of Agile methods and cloud services often figure prominently on the digital agenda, join our panel of executive industry practitioners and partners as they share insight into their journey from Project to Product.

Pressure from investors, customers, governments and regulators is driving the ESG agenda, and tech has a key role to play. Sustainability is increasingly linked to brand identity as regulatory compliance requirements become more demanding worldwide. Join us to explore the standards, approaches and solutions organizations are leveraging to mitigate the challenging environment of “Tech Sustainability”.

Agenda subject to change

Executive Strategy Forum Sessions

A look back at 10 years of TBM leadership and community building.

  • Eileen Wade, General Manager, TBM Council
  • Tom Murphy, VP IT & CIO, University of Pennsylvania

Innovating through technology is not new. For decades technology leaders have navigated the landscape of delivering competitive innovations that drive business value. CIOs have been known as “Transformational Leaders” and “Change Agents” – and this remains true today. However, what escalated seemingly overnight was the competing need to reconceptualize both employee and customer engagements that deliver anytime, anywhere experiences with minimal risk and a nimbleness rarely seen before. In this session, discussion leaders will share their own experiences and set up table engagements for attendees to answer various questions, including:

  • Is modernization the driving force behind the “Mega CIO”?
  • Is the “Mega CIO” a fit for all strategies?
  • Are executives with line-of-business backgrounds relegating professionals with technology-focused backgrounds to the executive sidelines?
  • If not the CIO, then who else is as uniquely positioned to understand and lead company and product strategy transformations?
Discussion Leader:
  • Les Ottolenghi, EVP & Chief Information and Technology Officer, Stride
  • Greg Douglass, Senior Managing Director, Global Technology Strategy & Advisory, Accenture
  • Rhonda Gass, CIO, Stanley Black & Decker

Public cloud strategies are often embraced for the promise of rapid scalability, on-demand agility, and best-in-class security, resiliency, and features. However, public cloud adoption presents significant financial challenges that, when not addressed, inhibit any firm’s ability to exploit the promises of public cloud. In this session, we’ll hear from leaders who are managing their cloud strategy with both TBM and FinOps, and how they are leveraging the maturity and rigor of TBM to align their organization’s capabilities and requirements. We’ll then break into small groups to discuss both challenges and approaches for building and launching a TBM-for-Cloud journey, including:

  • Defining a TBM-for-Cloud function with FinOps
  • Practices for tailoring FinOps to your organization based on goals and capabilities
  • Establishing company financial constructs and controls
  • Benefits of building a FinOps capability with the oversight and governance of TBM


Discussion Leader:
  • Nathan Besh, TBM-for-Cloud Evangelist, TBM Council
  • Melissa Croft, Managing Director, UBS
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in 2021 surpassed the level achieved before the global pandemic, with $5.1 trillion worth of M&A transactions being completed across multiple industries. Success is non-negotiable, so corporate boards look to technology leaders to articulate how a deal will lower costs, mitigate risk, and increase revenue. To achieve this, many leaders have found that TBM is their Rosetta stone for navigating the three key phases of M&A: due diligence, integration, and run/optimize. In this discussion hear from Jack Bischoff, Regional VP of the TBM Council, as he shares use cases gathered from across our membership on the ways global organizations are leveraging TBM to deliver successful M&A processes with transparency, including the ability to:
  • Better identify areas of synergistic opportunity, risk, activity, and expected outcomes
  • Prioritize critical decisions about people, organizational structure, major system consolidation, and standardization
  • Provide the capabilities that determine how the organization is running, where costs are, and how to prioritize and optimize activities that are realized
  • Establish an improvement loop that creates a repeatable M&A playbook


Discussion Leaders:
  • Jack Bischof, VP, Europe & Middle East, TBM Council

Delivering business value faster is a primary reason why many organizations are aggressively scaling Agile practices across their enterprise. At the same time these practices can conflict with traditional ways of working including planning, organizational, and funding models. Agile practices risk creating financial blind spots for both product teams who are expected to make decisions faster and with more autonomy than ever before, and their financial peers. In this session, hear from executives who are applying the rigor and guidance of TBM to Agile-at-scale so they can maximize their shift from projects-to-products quickly and transparently. Discussion topics will include:

  • Best practices for gaining company-wide support to make the shift
  • Experiences and challenges maintaining cost transparency alongside Enterprise Agile
  • Identifying and prioritizing opportunities for TBM and Enterprise Agile frameworks (SAFe, Spotify Model, Scrum of Scrums, etc.)
  • Prioritizing Agile-specific financial management solutions for TBM
Discussion Leader:
  • Carolyn Gehrke, TBM Product Manager, John Deere
  • Kathy Higgins, VP – Tech Business Management, Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
  • Justin Mann, TBM-for-Agile Evangelist, TBM Council

Financial management of your technology investments is critical, now more than ever in high-paced and increasingly financially constrained markets. Cloud, hybrid, and digital development of products and services is integral to your business. But the decentralized, federated nature of those technological advancements has made it more difficult than ever to get a clear, accurate picture of the total costs of delivering those products and services. Furthermore, once you have an accurate view of those total costs, concerns arise on the best way to understand and communicate how those costs drive value, specifically the profitability of those products. In this session, we would like to hear your thoughts on how you, your peers, and your organization sees the evolution of technology costs and the need to see the profitability of the products that incur those costs informing your future decision-making processes.

Discussion Leader:
  • Eugene Khvostov, SVP, Products, Apptio

To understand what drove the Great Resignation, Humu asked more than 90,000 employees across large, global organizations why they are (or are not) looking for new roles. Their biggest finding? For most would-be quitters, culture matters more than compensation.

Join Laszlo Bock, former CHRO at Google, and now Co-Founder of Humu – a software platform that combines technology and behavioral science to make managers and their teams more effective – as he leads an interactive session on the essential traits that drive high-performing teams and engaged employees, including:

  • The difference between team culture vs. team composition
  • The five top factors that make (or break) team performance and retention
  • How leadership can encourage managers to build a team culture worth sticking around for
Discussion Leader:
  • Laszlo Bock, Co-Founder & Chairman, Humu (Former CHRO at Google)

Agenda subject to change